Sustainability in UTU
For UTU, responsibility and accountability are part of our operating principles. Ethics, responsibility and sustainable development are key terms in both our products and our way of thinking and working. We care about our employees and their development. UTU’s operations are developed in accordance with the principles of sustainable development in a customer-oriented, active and determined manner. Our goal is to be a pioneer in the entire electrical and automation industry.

UTU Oy develops, manufactures and brings to the market high-quality products, solutions and services for the needs of the electricity and energy industry. We want to deeply understand the trends in the electricity and energy industry and the needs of our customer base now and in the future, and develop UTU’s products and services to fulfill them in the best way. Domestic manufacturing close to customers guarantees fast delivery, flexibility and a high level of service.
In the electricity and energy sector, the long life cycle of products are the best proof of sustainable development. UTU Oy’s products are designed to last for decades. We are part of the supply chain that electrifies society and offers solutions to promote digitalization and infrastructure.
UTU Oy has certified management systems in accordance with ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment) and ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety).

Sustainable development and environment
The management of sustainable development and responsibility at UTU is based on the company’s values, strategy and operating principles. We pay attention to environmental aspects in product development, manufacturing and operational activities. Our goal is to promote the sustainable development of society with sustainable and innovative products and services.
As environmental effects, we have taken into account water consumption, climate effects and emission effects. We have identified the emissions of our operations and we can state that in many ways these are minor and are developing positively.
As part of our HSE development activities, we have mapped UTU´s carbon footprint. The background of mapping the carbon footprint was to identify more of the factors that we can further develop or that we can influence. In the future, our goal is to further reduce our carbon footprint and thus, as a responsible operator, participate in the development of society.

Responsibility and Safety
For UTU, responsibility and accountability are part of our operating principles. We are ethical, and responsibility and sustainable development are key terms in both our products and the way we think and work. We care about our employees and their development. UTU’s operations are developed in accordance with the principles of sustainable development in a customer-oriented, active and determined manner. The goal is to be a pioneer in the entireelectrial and automation industry.

Sustainability report (in Finnish)

- ISO 9001:2023-2026 certificate, EN
- ISO 14001:2023-2026 certificate, EN
- ISO 45001:2023-20263 certificate, EN
- Key flag symbol, Switchboards
- Key flag symbol, Energy Poles
- Factory inspection certificate, UTU Oy
UTU as a Benefactor
We want to support those in need. We help both locally and nationally and are involved in doing good in accordance with our values with cooperation and open-mindedness.
For several years, we have been involved in the Gubbe – Happy old age activity. In this way, we make it possible for our selected seniors to have regular company and joint activities with the Gubbe youth once a week. At the same time, we help young people to get a job, e.g. alongside their studies.
We donate our Christmas presents to a selected destination each year. We also support local sports and hobbies. For example, we have been involved in supporting the activities of Ulvila’s baseball club for several years, and we also support youth football in the ranks of FC Ulvila. We are also involved in several one-off events, e.g. supported by school activities and events for families in need.
It is important for us to be involved in doing good, so that we act according to our values.

Whistleblowing UTU
Do you feel that UTU does not deliver ethically or that there are shortcomings or abuses in our operations?
The legislation of the EU Whistleblower Directive has fully entered into force on January 1, 2023. This law obliges all employers with more than 50 employees to organize a reliable reporting channel for abuse and the protection of individuals. The law is based on the EU’s so-called to the whistleblowing directive and it creates a framework for how abuses or illegal activities can be reported and what kind of protection is given to the whistleblower.
UTU´s employees, UTU’s partners and other stakeholders of our company can report activities that violate laws and UTU’s general operating principles through anonymous reporting channel (whistleblowing).
The notification channel does not deal with customer complaints, trouble notifications or general HR matters