UTU – Can And Will

The UTU Group offers its customers high-quality and versatile electrical and automation products and services. We are a Nordic player in the electricity sector with the heart of a Finnish family company. We want to understand our customers’ needs and do everything we can to support their operations. We demand the best performance from ourselves and we take on our customers’ most difficult challenges. From UTU you get the best products and expertise in the field of electricity and automation.

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UTU by Numbers

  • 55 M€


  • 5

    UTU countries

  • 190


  • 23.000

    Products in selection

  • 104

    History in years

A genuine partner in the electrical industry for more than a century 

UTU has been electrifying the world for over 100 years. We are involved in the critical points of the electricity sector, both in the electrification of properties, electricity distribution and energy production, as well as in automation solutions. We develop our own production and actively explore future opportunities together with our international suppliers, serving our customers in the northern market area.

Urho Tuominen is parent company for all UTU-companies that are operating in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway. UTU is a successful and growing family company in the fourth generation. Our job is to help our customers to find the best solutions in the field of electricity and automation, and deliver the parts necessary to implement them. We want to be genuine partners for our customers and we are honest and open in all our activities.  

We are a suitably sized and reliable partner, and we get things done flexibly and with high quality. Our goal is continuous improvement.

Own production facilities

UTU’s production facilities are located in Finland. We manufacture products such as electrical panels, transformers, and electric vehicle charging stations with a focus on sustainability and responsibility. As a result, you can still see fully operational UTU electrical panels from the 1950s in buildings.

Strong partners

UTU’s suppliers are internationally known pioneers in the electrical industry. The brands we represent and import are strong and trusted industry players.

We actively discuss our customers’ needs with our suppliers and participate in product development together with them. UTU’s own products and the products represented by our partners form a high-quality whole that works together to meet the needs of our customers.

The biggest partners that we represent are Hager, Socomec, EVBox and Beijer Electronics. In addition to these, we have a large number of high-quality suppliers who contribute to increasing UTU’s product range.


UTU implements sustainable development by connecting global and local partners in the electrification and automation sectors.


UTU is a desirable growth partner and employer in the electrification and automation industry in the Nordic and Baltic countries.


  • Customer Understanding

    We are genuine partners to our customers, being honest and transparent in everything we do. We deeply understand our customers business and develop our products and services to meet their current and future needs.

  • Renewal

    We have an openminded attitude and a strong desire to develop our ways of working both on individual an on level. We do not dismiss business risks, however we look openly the possibilities in new initiatives. If we fail, we react quickly and learn from it.

  • Collaboration

    We respect our colleagues. By sharing our competencies, we create a good working environment and the possibility of learning from each other. The diversity of people is a richness, not an obstacle to collaborate.

  • Strong Performance

    We demand the best possible performance from ourselves and our colleagues. We dare to set challenging targets to our activities. Active feedback guides us growing to strong performer.

Customers and Sales channels

We operate in the market in cooperation with well-known electricity professionals. Our customers are electricity wholesalers, electrical contractors, electrical designers and electricity distribution companies. We work with strong partners and we are in constant interaction with them.

UTU sells it´s products through electrical wholesale channel and on a project basis through UTU’s own project sales.

History of UTU

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1894 1919 1920-1940 1940-1960 1960-2000 2000-2020 2020 -

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Urho and Rauha Tuominen

Urho Tuominen was born in 1894. Urho started in the electrical industry as a helper at the age of 14. From 1907, Urho worked as a fitter’s assistant and then as an independent travel fitter in various parts of southern Finland, e.g. in the service of A. Ahlström Oy in Noormarku. Urho married Rauha Nylund from Pori and the family was founded in Noormarkku. The first daughter was born during the tsarist rule in the summer of 1916. Finland declared independence on the 6th of December 1917 and the following year the war of 1918 was fought. The second daughter was born in the spring of 1919.

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Urho Tuominen the Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship had crossed Urho´s mind before, and when Urho didn’t get the salary increase he asked for, his wife encouraged him to start his own company. On June 1, 1919, Porin Sähkö- ja Telefooniliike Urho Tuominen (Pori Electric and Telephone Company) started its operations. The operation started in a wooden house along Pori’s market square at Pohjoiskauppatori 1. One and a half months later, on July 17, 1919, Finland received its first constitution. At this stage, UTU and Finland were built side by side.

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Business expands – Recession hits

At the beginning of the company, the focus was on the sale of electrical machines and accessories. In practice, it was necessary to expand to electrical installations products and repair work as well. The business expanded to city of Rauma in 1923. In the same year, with the start of radio operations, radios also entered the program, and a year later, cars. The recession that started in the United States began at the end of 1929 in Finland as well. Construction stopped, industrial production shrank sharply and foreign trade almost stopped.

The Bank of Finland gave up the gold standard in 1931. The depression was thought to be short-lived, but recovery did not begin until 1933. The turnover of the young company fell by 50% to the level of the early years. However, the difficulties were overcome thanks to the solid market position achieved from the beginning. In the midst of the difficulties, the union of Electrical Affair (now STK)) was also founded, which Urho Tuominen played a key role in establishing. After the depression, a period of strong growth began, which was interrupted only in wartime 1939.

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The production of distribution boards begins

After the war years, the production of distribution boards began in 1944. At first, the products were cast iron casings, whose life cycle is so long that you may still see them in use. However, they soon switched to sheet metal products.

In the technical trade, the sale of electrical accessories operated in the 1950s under completely different market conditions than today. It is telling that the company received “electricity wholesale rights” in 1960 after becoming a member of the Finnish Electrical Wholesalers Association. In electricity wholesale, the company became the clear market leader in the Satakunta region in Finland with a market share of around 50%.

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Production plant in Ulvila. The import begins.

In 1972, factory premises are built on Ahjontie in city of Ulvila, Finland. In the beginning, the factory also had its own sheet metal production and paint shop. Today, parts made by subcontractors, frames and other components are stored in production facilities.

In the 1980s, along with the electrical accessories trade, the importation of electrical accessories was started. UTU Elec Oy in Ulvila manages its own central production, and UTU Powel Oy in the capital region handles installation accessories and component operations. At the end of the millennium, UTU has offices in Ulvila, Vantaa and Tampere in Finland, as well as sales staff all over Finland.

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UTU grows and turns 100 years old

At the beginning of the millennium, brave decisions were made and we dared to change the direction: the store in Pori Kauppatori was given up once and for all. UTU’s expansion also began when UTU bought Hager’s Baltic operations in 2007. Even at the moment, UTU Oy has sister companies in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Internally, the UTU companies were organized in 2011, when the Ulvila operations under UTU Elec Oy and the Vantaa operations under UTU Powel Oy were organized into one UTU Oy.

In 2014, UTU will be piloted in the board by the fourth generation of its owners. UTU Automation Oy was born in 2016, when UTU bought the Finnish operations of Beijer Electronics. Today, UTU Automation Oy is a successful supplier and expert in automation products. In 2019, UTU expands further into Norway by purchasing Hager’s Norwegian operations. In the same year, there will be a big celebration when UTU turns 100 years old.

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On the path of sustainable development towards the next century

The second tenth of the millennium is starting fast. Significant new product launches will be UTU’s own production site and outlet centers. Substation operations have grown steadily and the first smart substations have been delivered to our customers. The charging range for electric cars is growing even more and now we are able to meet all of our customers’ charging requirements. In 2023 UTU starts to produce own EV-charging station serie, named UTU-X. Automation operations continue with strong profitable growth. Outside Finland’s borders, new brands are added to the selection in Norway, and in the Baltics, UTU is an even stronger partner for contractors.

Where´s electricity, there´s UTU, for the next 100 years.

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