UTU – Can And Will
The UTU Group offers its customers high-quality and versatile electrical and automation products and services. We are a Nordic player in the electricity sector with the heart of a Finnish family company. We want to understand our customers’ needs and do everything we can to support their operations. We demand the best performance from ourselves and we take on our customers’ most difficult challenges. From UTU you get the best products and expertise in the field of electricity and automation.
UTU #osaajatekee

UTU by Numbers
55 M€
UTU countries
Products in selection
History in years

A genuine partner in the electrical industry for more than a century
UTU has been electrifying the world for over 100 years. We are involved in the critical points of the electricity sector, both in the electrification of properties, electricity distribution and energy production, as well as in automation solutions. We develop our own production and actively explore future opportunities together with our international suppliers, serving our customers in the northern market area.
Urho Tuominen is parent company for all UTU-companies that are operating in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway. UTU is a successful and growing family company in the fourth generation. Our job is to help our customers to find the best solutions in the field of electricity and automation, and deliver the parts necessary to implement them. We want to be genuine partners for our customers and we are honest and open in all our activities.
We are a suitably sized and reliable partner, and we get things done flexibly and with high quality. Our goal is continuous improvement.
Own production facilities
UTU’s production facilities are located in Finland. We manufacture products such as electrical panels, transformers, and electric vehicle charging stations with a focus on sustainability and responsibility. As a result, you can still see fully operational UTU electrical panels from the 1950s in buildings.

Strong partners
UTU’s suppliers are internationally known pioneers in the electrical industry. The brands we represent and import are strong and trusted industry players.
We actively discuss our customers’ needs with our suppliers and participate in product development together with them. UTU’s own products and the products represented by our partners form a high-quality whole that works together to meet the needs of our customers.
The biggest partners that we represent are Hager, Socomec, EVBox and Beijer Electronics. In addition to these, we have a large number of high-quality suppliers who contribute to increasing UTU’s product range.
UTU implements sustainable development by connecting global and local partners in the electrification and automation sectors.
UTU is a desirable growth partner and employer in the electrification and automation industry in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Customer Understanding
We are genuine partners to our customers, being honest and transparent in everything we do. We deeply understand our customers business and develop our products and services to meet their current and future needs.
We have an open–minded attitude and a strong desire to develop our ways of working both on individual an on level. We do not dismiss business risks, however we look openly the possibilities in new initiatives. If we fail, we react quickly and learn from it.
We respect our colleagues. By sharing our competencies, we create a good working environment and the possibility of learning from each other. The diversity of people is a richness, not an obstacle to collaborate.
Strong Performance
We demand the best possible performance from ourselves and our colleagues. We dare to set challenging targets to our activities. Active feedback guides us growing to strong performer.
History of UTU
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